

At Willow Primary School, we want to inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people.

In our Geography Curriculum we seek to build upon the children’s interests and equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and environments. The children’s growing knowledge about the world helps develop a deep understanding of how human and physical processes are linked, including the formation and use of different landscapes and environments through studying a range of places.

Children study the four areas of geography; locational and place knowledge, human and physical processes and fieldwork skills. It is this knowledge and skills that is developed through the curriculum so that children understand and can explain how the Earth’s features are shaped, interconnected and change over time.

Geographical learning involves familiar places to the children and their local area, extending to the UK and Worldwide. 

We want our children to enjoy and love learning about Geography by gaining knowledge and skills, not just through learning in the classroom, but also with the use of first hand experiences and educational visits. A key message at Willow Primary School is the importance of looking after the environment and the cause and effect of human behaviour. We strive to teach children the responsibilities they have as part of a community and the impact they can have on the wider world.

In addition to these topics, each year group completes a Heritage and Community topic linked to our local area and community and the children’s own heritage

Stories are a powerful vehicle for learning and at Willow we use stories as well as high quality non-fiction books to support, develop and enhance the development of geographical knowledge and understanding throughout school. Our understanding and perception of the world and its cultures is shaped by what we read and we give careful consideration to our books and texts to support Geography learning so that they reflect our diverse world.